
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The White Palace (Beli Dvor)

The White Palace is the former royal residence of the Karađorđević dynasty. It is located within the same complex as The Royal Palace. It was built at the wish of King Alexander I for residence of his sons Peter, Tomislav and Andrej. However, after his assassination in Marseilles 1934, the young King Peter II, moved to the Royal Palace where he lived with his mother, Queen Mary, and two brothers.
The White Palace took almost four years to finish (1934-1937) The palace was designed by architect Aleksandar Đorđević, in a neo-Palladian manner inspired by the 18th century English houses. Beli dvor was periodically used by presidents Josip Broz Tito and later by Slobodan Milošević for official state functions and foreign visits.
On my visit to the Palace I was shown a number of art work, painting from artists such as Piero di Cosimo, Biagio d'Antonio and Nicolas Poussin etc. I also meet the Crown Prince Alexander (Alexander II Karađorđević- last heir apparent to the throne of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) and Crown Princess Katherine who gave us a little insight about their lives and their functions as the Royal Family.
The compound is 134 hectares in area which include the White Palace, Royal Palace, a thatched house and a park.
The White Palace is open for public visitations on weekends during the tourist season from April to November.

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